In recent months I have taken photographs that I printed, yes actually printed, and put them in front of friends for their review.  This has helped me to see creatively and refine my photography.

When people view an image they should expect some type of emotion to be evoked. I do. It can range from a calming effect to an angering effect. There are many emotions in between these. The point is, what do we as the photographers want our viewer to feel? Is it humor, tranquility, sadness, disgust, anger, passion, beauty, confidence, a reminder, a special point in time, and the list goes on…….

For the last six months I have thought about what to focus on during our upcoming trip to Cuba in December 2016.  During those six months many things have changed in the world since planning this trip. Leaders have changed, leaders have gone, attitudes have become passionate and stronger, people are wondering what is going to happen next in the world.  Despite the changes, people continue to endure, to be resourceful and resolute in there thinking. People will be the main focus of this trip.  The first two trips focused on the infrastructure of Cuba. This trip will focus on the people in the infrastructure.

The theme for my photographs is: Resilient, Resourceful, & Resolved.   I know other themes will evolve during the trip but I hope this will allow me to pick up on the emotions of the people and share them with you.